Llangors Church in Wales Primary School

School Council

Llangors School Council is our main Pupil Voice Committee, bringing children of every age, school staff and Governors all together for discussion and decision making.

At the heart of our school ethos is a passionate belief that everyone, and everyone's opinion, matters. At the start of the year, we have class elections with our children electing their own representatives to the Council, which then elect its own Chairperson. All our other Pupil Voice Committees also  send along  a representative to our fortnightly meetings. From fundraising  for Red Nose Day to the School Development Plan and staying safe, we discuss whatever members want to discuss, as long as it meets our objective of making Llangors School a better place for us to all learn and thrive. There is no better way to show our children what citizenship really entails.


    Academic Year 2023/2024